Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Prose Poetry

I don't think we've covered enough prose poetry. It's a very weird category of poetry, and I think it deserves further exploration because its very existence seems contradictory to the mainstream idea of poetry. How can something be both prose and poetry?

We've covered "The Colonel" by Carolyn Forché, but I wanted to share this poem called "Closing Time; Iskandariya" by Brigit Pegeen Kelly because it's beautiful and it's one of my favorite poems every.

It's a poem that you can read and reread without really figuring out what you think she's saying. You can read and reread it and come up with your own meaning without deciding that that meaning is the one Kelly was going for. Especially once you start doing your own research into her references.

I have my own interpretations, but I won't say them because I don't think they're any better than what other readers might come up with and I don't want to ruin their interpretations by imposing mine on them. Have fun reading it!

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