Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Time Capsule Poetry

I chose "Fog" by Robert Hillyer. I immediately chose it because the title could pretty much sum up the way a lot of us are feeling right now. The poem is not about our current situation but so many lines felt like they nailed what this experience feels like. It feels like I'm floating on nothing and I can't see anything around me. Nothing ever happens and I begin to question reality. Sometimes things break through the haze but they're never anything but "wet, grey monotone." The last two ominous lines convey kind of how on-edge I feel even though there's nothing REALLY to be on-edge about.. but is there?

I know it's a pretty dark poem, but I don't' feel like I could possibly choose a happy poem to convey my current situation. I will say that there are definitely more positive things about right now for me than maybe that poem makes you think. I wish there was a stanza about the people the narrator is with and their impact because my family is the only reason I keep going, they're awesome. So I picked a poem about family too.

Christina Rossetti's sonnet about her mother and how her mother helped her become the person she is today exemplifies the powerful impact a family can have. The impact my family is having on me right now.

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